Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Dreamy Start

It’s the perfect time to write. On the way back home, I am sitting by myself in the bus. I have watched the last two months go by in a blur. And this bus journey reminds me off the first bus journey to this college. From that day till tonight all I have dreamt about is the future. Ah, the future and the dreams. They are so interwoven they could be used interchangeably. Some dreams will turn into reality; some dreams would bite the dust, while some would still remain dreams. And that’s how it should be. Without dreams we are just but ‘history’ books.
It’s the dream of the future that intrigues everyone but it’s the past that has gone by like a dream that I feel like thinking about. The last two months. A dream come true or a reality turned into a dream?
The wheel of time had never turned so quickly enough like it did in the past two months. Every day was a blur and yet every event is still etched in everyone’s memory. Today we have just finished with our first of the many term exams and yet I can still recollect the day we had our first quiz.
The first scores announcement and the submission of group projects. Meeting new people every single day while bonds with the old friends strengthen. I thought the term ‘friends in an MBA’ is an oxymoron, but this group has proved me wrong. This is a dream like place. The place where though you don’t even realize, people gear up to take care of your problems.
My first day here is somewhere at the back of my mind walking the thin line between the dream and memory. I might not remember everything but this dream’s background music would be the OST from New York. The days that proceeded from then onwards unfurled at me the greatest obstacles; analyzing what I never knew how to analyze; working with 4 different groups on the same day. Everyone was going into his or her sixth gear. Then the time of end terms and project submissions happened. One could almost hear the OST from ‘Last of the Mohicans’ playing while everyone readied themselves to face the first of the many wars in this battle. And like every war there would be people hurt, tired and broken. And like all strong armies we don’t leave anyone behind. The batch proved that. This was one of the first seven wars to come and we survived the onslaught. Was it all a dream?
I think about it in the Spartan way, men standing for their nation. I can almost smell that pride here.
My eyes feel heavy and I go to doze off once again checking the date on my watch. June 18th. Where did the last two months go? I smile to myself. The answers lie in everyone’s dreams.

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