Sunday, May 22, 2011

Instant Bonds

My college offer a lot, believe me it does. Its intranet site offers like 5/6 databases to choose your data collection from. It offers a library with such an exhaustive list , that probably i woud have to be here for ten years before i could safely say i have read all the books. It offers you the faculties of the best pedigree in India. But above all it offers you new friends for a lifetime.

It was while i landed at the resort I met this (i am not commenting on anyone's height) girl who was desperately trying to lift a suitcase which did not budge an inch. While i was on the phone with my sweetheart just picked up the actually-not-so heavy bag and put it where the rest of the bags were. Then I saw a familiar face . This guy come with his brother and drop his luggages. I guess I recognized him from my GD/PI group. To move towards great lakes we had to be seated in a bus and in the bus and during the journey we got to know each other. The girl was from Delhi, the guy was from Cochin. Joseph and Noopur.

When i landed up at the hostel I saw this guy waiting for all of us and i said "Hi Dude wassup???' His reply was a very calm and quiet "Hey". The way he said it just made me like him, and we became good friends. Then while my room was being allocated I saw the guy who i had met at the bus and resort. Asked him room number. It took sometime for him to take out his keys and after that he said, "you tell me yours, I'll keep coming there" Yet another friend in the offering and I did not refuse. Ibrahim.

The first day while sitting in official wear at the auditorium, I was looking at the students who were late. And then I saw the girl who i had met in the bus in a 3 piece suit. She was wearing a coat in the Chennai heat. Yet another friend in my offering. I did not lose the opportunity. Noopur.

Generally wherever you go, you really want to meet a guy who is exact in the same pedigree as you are. Someone who dreams and works at the same help. A guy who you can look up to during any time. Here I met Joseph.

All of us bonded really well. Because all of us had one thing in common i guess. We were at Great lakes to make new friends, not new contacts. We were crazy in a crazy way!

From that day onwards our small group of 3.5 men or 3.5 women has been together. Through learning dance ( salsa, jive.. you dont the guys are so good a it while the women cant even move in proper direction). And yeah, talking about Dancing, just want to make a point, if the 3 guys in this group start dancing like girls dance, you would know who to blame.

All said and done, these are my friends. And i am so thankful I found them. They are probably in all terms might not be the best of people around or anything, but for me they are absolutely without any shred of doubt Perfect. Oh i forgot their names. They'll kill me for this. Chotu, Chochu, ZooZoo and Ibubu. Thank you guys for coming to Great Lakes. Without you I would have been lost.

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